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Client Spotlight on Gail – How to Lean Out

Gail came to me in late October looking for answers as to why she couldn’t lose weight.  She was working out consistently 5-6 times a week doing high intensity exercises such as bootcamp and Peloton workouts as well as weight training.  She felt like her diet was clean and was looking for a solution.

At just 38, Gail was in great shape and already had some amazing food choices daily. She was 124 pounds and 18.4% body fat, which is really excellent.  But Gail wanted to lose that last little bit of weight to really see her muscles which she worked so hard to gain.

When I took a deep dive into her current diet I found she was not recovering properly after workouts, using some protein bars with artificial ingredients and sweeteners, keeping food super light during the morning and at lunch and then beginning to snack in the afternoon.  I explained to Gail that she worked out hard each morning and then was putting her body into a state of starvation causing her to not only overeat later but possibly store fat when she did finally eat enough food.

Gail was already eating very healthy and really just wanted to clean it up a bit and be more accountable so she skipped BodyDesigns Two-Week Detox Plan and decided to start with a Lifestyle Diet Plan.  After just 2 months Gail had surpassed her original goal which was to lose 4 lbs. and lost a total of 8 lbs.  Her body fat went to a lean 14.5% and she could see her nice lean muscles that she worked so hard to get.

But leaning out was not the only result for Gail. Gail also learned that she could go on vacations and have splurge meals without backtracking.  Her balance in her diet between some fun things and being clean was amazing.  When I asked her about the program and what she thought made it successful she told me:

1. Every day accountability was so important for me to learn what I was actually eating.  Also, the accountability of getting on the scale – I used to be afraid to see the number but now I know the scale fluctuates daily and it may go up after a splurge but goes down again after a few days of clean eating.

2. Hearing back from you each day about my food log gave me positive reinforcement which helped keep me motivated.

3. Having your clean and easy recipes made planning and cooking easier and I loved them.

4. Watching your Sugar Video was an eye opener for me as I really didn’t realize how much sugar I was eating and all the health consequences of a high sugar diet.

5. Mary was responsive to texts, emails or setting up a call quickly and it made my life so much easier when I needed a quick answer.

6. I learned that eating or drinking the wrong foods makes me feel bad so it deters me from wanting to do that too often.

What I love about this client spotlight is it really shows how if you embrace the program your results are so much more than just leaning out.  I am excited for Gail as I know she has a good handle on how to maintain both weight and health as she ages.  Thanks for sharing with us Gail and wishing you the best of health always.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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