Nutrition and Longevity Coaching

Are you looking to be well, healthy and fit?  Are you struggling to buy and prepare the right foods for your family due to time constraints or confusion over what to eat?  If so then you’re not alone!  Today more than ever there is so much confusing information about diet and wellness and compounded with our busy schedules the entire process seems overwhelming.

As a nutrition coach, Mary helps people transform their lives to obtain optimal health with real food.  As a longevity coach Mary will help you with lifestyle changes such as optimizing sleep, gut health,  supplements, meal timing and movement to help you live a long and well life.

Everyone is unique in their needs and requirements and Mary works with you to determine how to meet your own individual goals for health, weight and longevity.

An individual plan could encompass one on one sessions at your home to clean out your pantry, plan and prepare recipes, as well as education on diet and lifestyle issues.  A trip to the grocery store can help you learn how to shop and which products should be in your cart.  A personalized Lifestyle Diet Plan can help you incorporate strategies and monitoring of the diet allows coaching along the way.

Daily coaching is available to anyone whether you buy a Lifestyle Diet Plan or just want to have someone to be able to ask questions and monitor your food intake.  This accountability is what helps people get through those tough times or answer questions which helps you be able to make these changes permanently.  Coaching is $100 a month – use the contact button to get set up for a free 15 minute call to learn more.

Not sure what you need?  A nutritional consultation is just $150 and I will do a deep dive into your goals, food intake, food likes and dislikes, health issues, gut issues, supplements and more.  After I get a big picture of what is going on with you I can do some education and advise you as to the best course of action.  Bonus:  The $150 consultation fee goes towards a Lifestyle Diet Plan.

Exercise is an important component to any wellness plan and yours might include some Personal Training or Online Training.   Your program is individualized to your own goals  and a personal strategic plan is put into place.

To learn more about how Nutrition Coaching can change your life, contact Mary today and schedule a FREE 15 minute phone consult.

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