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Client Spotlight on Chris and Susan – Teaming Up for Success

Chris and Susan first came to me at the very beginning of March.  They were both struggling with weight gain and some health issues along with gut and even physical inflammation. They both had been elite athletes and competed in several Ironman races 10 years ago, but with age and injuries racing became a thing of the past and they struggled to eat right and maintain their weight. Chris has disc and knee issues, and mildly high cholesterol while Susan had several joint replacements and weight gain had caused her to have metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, high cholesterol and pre-diabetic) along with fatty liver and reflux.  She felt tired and suffered with poor sleep.

For Chris and Susan, life had just gotten in the way between injuries that kept them from their previous vigorous exercise routines to busy careers that often kept them working long days out of the house.  Although they would really need to change their current eating habits, having been in great shape previously they were both motivated and had a good sense of what they needed to do.  Coming to me was the fire they needed to get them back on track and not let  life get in the way.  I felt like they were great candidates to work with me and got them started on a program.


Client Spotlight on Chris and Susan - Teaming Up for Success

  Susan Before

For Chris, we kept his workouts the same and he began with BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan, which is really just a reset diet using real food to help reduce inflammation, sugar cravings and get ready to go into a healthy Lifestyle Diet Plan. Susan began the same Detox Plan but she also added more exercise in the form of walking and Pilates.  Susan received her own personal Lifestyle Diet Plan which she also began after the inital two weeks. In the first 2 weeks, Chris lost 6 lbs. and Susan lost 8 lbs. in those first 2 weeks just getting off inflammatory foods.  This set them up for success in the plan that would be for life.

Both Chris and Susan logged food daily so that they had accountability and feedback to guide them along the way.  I can’t tell you how diligent they were, despite their busy schedules, to find time to cook, bring foods with them when traveling for the day and log food every day.  They went from eating mainly processed and fast foods to nearly 100% healthy prepared meals and snacks. They both lost significant amounts of weight in the first 3 months alone with Chris meeting his 21 lb. weight loss goal and Susan losing 25 lbs. to get closer to hers.

  Chris before his transformation

Client Spotlight on Chris and Susan - Teaming up for Sucess

    Chris after his transformation


When I asked them what helped them to be so successful they told me:

1. Doing this together made it much easier as we could support each other along the way.

2. Good results triggered a higher desire to keep at it. Sticking 100% to the detox plan produced early and good results and fueled the fire to stay with it 100% without cheating.

3. After the detox, we both felt that eating at home and having things like grilled chicken, air-fried vegetables and such, felt and tasted like a home cooked meal every night and we didn’t miss eating out.

4. We both felt so much better physically after the detox that we wanted to keep that feeling going.

5. Even when traveling out of town for 4 days a month into our plan, we still felt the desire to stick as close to the plan as possible.

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such a dedicated couple that truly values being healthy and fit.  I think what really helped both of them do so well was that they truly knew what it was like to be in shape and maintain a healthy weight but life had just gotten in the way and the weight had crept up.  Sometimes we just need a little help to get back on track and for this couple they really embraced all the changes.  Thanks to Chris and Susan for sharing their inspiring story with us and wishing you the best of health always as you continue to live a long and healthy life.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

bodydesigns two week detox plan, lose weight and get healthy

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