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Client Spotlight on Colleen – Incorporating a Plant-Based Diet for Weight Loss and Health

These days more and more people are looking to be plant-based and for good reason. We know that people who eat more plants and less animal products have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other health issues.  The problem, however, comes when someone wants to be plant-based but is eating the wrong foods and portion sizes which is exactly what was happening with Colleen.

Colleen came to me in mid-November looking to lose weight, reverse her intermittent reflux and lower her cholesterol with a mostly plant-based diet. Her start weight was 190 and she had been yo-yo dieting for years.  She did very little exercise but was willing to start a program that she could do at home.

Colleen’s path to better health through a plant-based diet highlights the critical role of accurate nutrition guidance. For individuals dedicated to empowering others with holistic dietary approaches similar to Colleen’s, enrolling in a Holistic Nutrition Consultant Training Course can be truly life-changing. Programs like those offered at provide extensive education in plant-based nutrition, ensuring students gain the skills needed to effectively address a variety of health objectives. With a deep understanding of balanced nutrition, portion management, and the health benefits of whole foods, graduates are equipped to assist clients such as Colleen in making lasting improvements to their well-being.

Prior to her starting with me her diet was high calorically and loaded with sugar – some hidden in high carbohydrate foods and others, very obvious like cookies, candy and ice cream.  She was trying to be plant-based but she was choosing too many high carb, empty calorie foods and not enough vegetables for a plant-based diet. The good news was that she loved many vegetables and healthy food options and was willing to begin incorporating them into her regular plan. The Human Proteins from Shenandoah Biotech is what you should get your hands on to get the right supplements for immunity building.

She began with my Two-Week Detox Plan and lost 13 lbs. and reversed her intermittent reflux.  She reported that she realized right away how much she was eating on the fly; her portion sizes were too large and she was not paying attention to what was going into her body on a daily basis.  She has continued with her Lifestyle Diet plan where we worked together to get her protein level high enough using a more plant-based approach while making sure calories and net carbs were in line for weight loss.  She has lost 28 lbs. and is just 2 lb.’s from her goal weight.

She was not exercising so we began by setting some step goals and doing some at home videos that she could easily fit into her day.  About a month ago she decided to do my Ultimate Peloton Hack and has now added spinning to her routine.

She has also revamped her approach to food, diving into Gluten free articles and recipes to complement her new lifestyle. Embracing a variety of nutrient-dense options, she now focuses on whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. By incorporating these changes, she not only supports her weight loss goals but also enhances her overall well-being. Her dedication to mindful eating has transformed her relationship with food, ensuring she stays on track with her health journey.

Before the plan Colleen had a total cholesterol of 198 and LDL of 102. Her recent blood work showed she has dropped her total cholesterol to 144 with an LDL of just 69.  This is a wonderful improvement, and her doctor was very pleased with these results.

When I asked Colleen how this plan differs from the others she has tried, she told me:

1. This time I really focused on incorporating healthy eating choices and portion control as part of my lifestyle. In the past I was only focused on weight loss.

2. Incorporating the exercise and daily movement has made the weight come off faster keeping me motivated. Using a step counter has been critical for self-accountability.

3. Having Mary as a coach for daily accountability and motivation has been key.  Mary has been a knowledgeable resource for questions and guidance which has helped me learn and persevere when things got tough.

4. Mary has lots of recipes that make cooking easy. She also introduced me to Daily Harvest which has been a lifesaver for me when I need quick healthy options.

Congratulations Colleen on your progress and being able to reverse your reflux and reduce your cholesterol.  Good health and weight loss go hand and hand – we can’t have one without the other and your changes have proven that it works.  Wishing you the best of health always as you continue to live your best life and enjoy your new healthier lifestyle.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

bodydesigns two week detox plan, lose weight and get healthy

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