In Blog, Client Spotlights

Client Spotlight on Laura – A Little Help Goes a Long Way

Laura came to me at the very beginning of January wanting to make a change in her exercise and diet. Her goal was to lose weight but while she was exercising and eating well, she just wasn’t seeing any progress. She told me she just needed someone to do it with her for a while – she was tired of going at it alone.

When I looked at her diet, I could tell she was trying to eat well but she often choose quick processed foods, diet sodas or even skipping meals as a way of cutting back. It struck me that she was just kind of flying by the seat of her pants and needed some accountability and guidance.  Her exercise seemed to be aggressive, using the Beachbody program to do some high intensity workouts and mixing in running and weight days.

She signed up to train with me for 12 sessions which we spread over a 6-week period. She also decided she needed to do the diet plan to make some changes in her diet and be accountable to what was really going into her body each day.  She started with my Two-Week Detox Plan and lost 12 lbs. right from the start. She continued to log her food and be accountable with her new Lifestyle Plan that followed.  After 6 weeks, Laura lost 17 lbs. and found herself at her goal weight!

Laura’s story is extraordinary because like I said above, she was already exercising and dieting when I met her. I didn’t expect such amazing results but once she logged her food and became accountable to what she was eating each day she was able to really monitor the intake and the pounds just fell off of her. Her workouts too became more aggressive as she had me pushing her so she was able to do the same at home on her days she exercised by herself.

When I asked Laura what she thought was the secret to her success she told me:

1. Definitely logging my food was the most important thing I could have done. I did not realize how often I was “cheating” especially on weekends.

2. Cleaning up my diet to get rid of foods with chemicals such as the diet sodas not only helped me lose weight quicker but I felt better and had more energy.

3. Keeping it simple – I’m super busy with young children and my own business and Mary helped me to keep meals simple. For those looking to boost their YouTube presence, explore sites in the UK to buy youtube comments.

Laura has gone on to do it alone but now she has the tools and knowledge to do it right and not be running in circles.  The photo above is Laura before she started and Laura after.  Amazing transformation but best of all she feels great too.   Best of luck Laura as you continue to let food be your medicine.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

bodydesigns two week detox plan, lose weight and get healthy

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