In Blog, Recipes

Healthy Nestle’s Crunch Bites

Growing up Nestle’s Crunch bars were one of my favorite candies.  As I got older I realized that chocolate is a migraine trigger for me so I began to use carob as a replacement.  As it turns out, carob makes a better dark chocolate flavored candy than regular unsweetened cocoa so it has become a staple for many of my clients also.  Carob is also healthy in many ways similar to dark chocolate but with lower fat and carbohydrates making it a better choice for weight control.  Carob is rich in B vitamins, fiber and minerals.  What carob doesn’t have that chocolate has is caffeine.  Carob can therefore be a very healthy alternative to traditional chocolate for the entire family.

If you check out my blog which includes a video for Dark Chocolate Almond Bark you can see just how easy it is to make your own healthy chocolate. This stuff is not only sugar free but it’s dairy free and gluten free.

This recipe is a twist on my original recipe and has become my very favorite. It taste just like a Nestles Crunch bar but without all the hidden sugar and chemicals.

Quick and easy to make – this will become a weekly staple in everyones house.   No more excuses for not being able to quench that nighttime chocolate craving!

Dark Carob Crisp Candy

Healthy Nestles Crunch Bites


1/3 cup melted coconut oil
1/3 cup unsweetened carob
1/3 cup brown rice cereal
1 dash of stevia optional

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

2. Spoon equal amounts into a small silicone muffin pan or make one large chocolate sheet in a container covered in wax paper.

healthy nestles crunch bites

3. Freeze for 30 minutes. Pop them out and store in covered container in freezer.

If you choose to make one large container, place it in freezer for 10 minutes than take it out and score it with a knife so that it will easily break into good size pieces.  I try to get 12 servings out of this size batch.  You can use any amount you want however since the recipe calls for just equal amounts of all the ingredients.

Try variations with coconut and peanut butter or different nuts.  The variations are endless but this one is my very favorite.

Servings: 12
Calories: 63
Fat: 6 g
Carbs: 2 g
Protein: 0 g

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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