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Chia Seed Milkshakes

I love thick, creamy milkshakes but until recently I’ve avoided them as they don’t really fit in with my clean eating plan.  Life just got a little bit better though as I’ve discovered that by using chia seeds as a thickening agent I can make a delicious, nutritious, clean and healthy shake that tastes as good or better then a fast food treat.  Before I give away the recipe, let’s take a look at the nutritional and health benefits of chia seeds so you can understand how this super food can not only thicken your shake but boost health at the same time.

Chia seeds have been around for a long time and were a dietary staple of the Mayans and Aztecs.  As a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, chia seeds or chia seed protein provides health benefits like a fish oil or flax seed.  In fact, chia seeds are the number one vegetarian source of omega 3’s and by weight contain more then even salmon.  Omega 3’s are essential for a healthy heart and cholesterol levels.  Chia seeds also contain fiber, protein, antioxidants, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron.  Chia seeds can absorb up to ten times their weight in water, and that gelling factor  slows down the process by which our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars making it an ideal food for diabetics or anyone trying to lose weight.  The health benefits are numerous and this little super seed can do wonders for your clean eating plan.  The gelling factor which thickens your shake also makes a healthy pudding or replaces eggs in a recipe.  Discover other ways to use these seeds in your diet.

chia seed milkshake


This recipe uses chia seeds in a regular shake that makes a nice snack.  Many people add flax seed t their morning protein shake but by changing to chia seeds you not only get more omega 3’s but you get a thick shake to enjoy in the morning or anytime you take your protein shake.   This recipe uses cocoa to make a chocolate shake but  enjoy a variety of flavors by using carob, powdered peanut butter, chocolate PB2 or even fruit.


chia seed milkshake

Chia Seed Chocolate Shake

8 oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 T chia seeds
1 dash of stevia
2 tsp unsweetened carob or cocoa
6-8 ice cubes

Put 1 T chia seeds into 8 oz almond milk and allow to sit anywhere from 30 minutes to over night.  I usually place it right in the blender and put it in my refrigerator over night.

Add stevia, carob or cocoa and 6-8 ice cubes.  Blend well.  Start with 6 ice cubes and see if its thick enough.  If you add too much ice it may taste a bit icy so getting the right amount of ice allows for a thick and creamy shake.  Enjoy it with a straw or with a spoon!


Eggnog Shake:   use 1/2 tsp. nutmeg and 1/2 tsp. rum extract instead of carob or cocoa
Gingersnap Cookie Shake: use 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. ginger, 1/8 tsp. allspice and 1/8 tsp. ground cloves

Servings:  1

Calories:  106
Fat:  6 g
Carbs:  10 g
Fiber:  6 g
Sugars:  1 g
Protein:  4 g

Place chia seeds into the milk and allow to sit for 15 minutes or longer.
Add all other ingredients and using a blender mix on high until smooth.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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Showing 6 comments
  • Debbi Barber

    I love Mary’s Detox Shake with chia seeds. After the two week detox, I have continued to make variations of the shake for breakfast almost every day. It gives me energy and helps me start the day taking care of myself. I have also lowered my cholesterol which had been a challenge. Thank you, Mary!!!

    • Mary S

      I’m glad you like it Debbi! Its a fun snack or if you want it to be more you can add protein and make it a breakfast shake. It is always so rewarding to hear from people that have made positive health changes along with weight loss! Thanks for the feedback.

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  • […] you could vary it to either be a complete breakfast shake or have it as a snack by modifying my Chia Seed Milkshake recipe, using the nutmeg in place of the cocoa or carob.   Either way it comes out creamy and sweet […]

  • […] For this recipe below, the combinations of flavors are endless.  Try making Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate, Carob, Vanilla or Peanut Butter flavored Chia Seed Pudding. The recipes below will outline the Chocolate and Pumpkin Pie. To make Vanilla, Carob or Peanut butter use the Chocolate Chia Seed recipe and substitute carob, vanilla extract or powdered peanut butter.  For another delicious way to use chia seeds check out my Chia Seed Milkshake recipe. […]

  • […] Cookie Shake as a complete meal replacement (which is a detox friendly breakfast) or use it in the Chia Seed Milkshake as an alternative to the other flavors.  For a Chia Seed Milkshake just replace cocoa or carob […]

  • […] replacement or just as an addition to any salad or recipe to add some healthy fat.  Check out my Chia Seed Milkshake recipe for another delicious treat.  All my detox shake recipes that come with the Two Week Detox […]

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