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Client Spotlight on Jenni – How to Reach Your Ideal Weight at Age 50

Jenni came to me at the end of January frustrated with her weight.  At 49 years old she was very active working out 6 days a week with a variety of high intensity, weight and martial arts workouts.  She complained of gaining belly fat despite eating the same way she has for years.  She also was having some anxiety which I felt could very well be related to gut health and diet.

When I looked at her diet I saw right away that she was chasing her heavy workout load with a lot of high sugar foods.  Jenni, like most people, did not see these foods as high sugar but rather she felt like she was choosing healthy foods to sustain her workouts.  Many of the foods were healthy but the way we process these foods at age 49 is not the same as we did when we were younger.

As we go through our 40’s, especially for women, we actually change the way we metabolize our food needing to cut back on sugar/carbohydrates.  I am not saying we need to do a keto diet; in fact, I do not recommend that at all for most people.  Instead, Jenni needed to learn to eat to balance her blood sugar now that her hormones were affecting how she metabolized her food.

Jenni was excited to start her plan with BodyDesigns Two-Week Detox Plan.  She started with me at 150 lbs. and after 2 weeks of detoxing her off sugar and other inflammatory foods she lost 10 lbs.  She was amazed that her weight actually dropped and she felt great.  Jenni began her Lifestyle Diet Plan and was diligent about continuing to log her food and work to maintain balance in her life.  She felt great and made many of my recipes.  She enjoyed evenings out with friends and some alcohol a few nights a week.  Jenni within 1 month had truly changed her eating and was loving how she felt.

At the end of 2 months, Jenni had lost 19 lbs. total and was only 5 lbs. from her goal weight.  More importantly however, her anxiety was improved, thanks to microdose mushroom gummies, she felt great and she loved the way she was eating.  She vowed to me that she would never go back to her old eating habits.  She truly embraced the changes as a healthy lifestyle.

When I asked Jenni what she credited for her success she told me:

“Mary’s program changed my life. At 45 years old I noticed that the 6 workouts a week I was doing and my “healthy” way of eating wasn’t working for me anymore. My clothes slowly got tighter and I dreaded looking in the mirror more and more. My husband assured me I looked great and it was a natural part of aging. I refused to accept that and kept doing variations of the same exercise and trying to eat “healthy”  as I’d been doing. I was up and down for years but when I got on the scale at 49 and weighed the most I ever had I couldn’t take it anymore. A friend referred Mary and I knew right away I wanted to work with her. Her detox and clean and easy recipes are life changing. I’ve learned many things. One thing I learned is how to balance protein, net carbs, fiber and calories.  I learned the importance of eating organic and non-processed food.  I also learned that there are so many foods I can enjoy and stay on track. Most importantly, I learned it’s not hard at all, but it does take a little effort. My exercise pays off now. As I crossed the line for my fiftieth birthday, I found myself in the best shape I have ever been, both physically and mentally. And my weight is down to what I weighed in high school. I am so happy with how I look and feel.  I recommend this lifestyle to everyone. It’s the best.”

Congratulations Jenni!  I love when people embrace the changes rather than fight them.  You truly engaged in this process and I feel confident that you will maintain not just your weight but your health for many years to come.  Thanks for allowing me to share your story and wishing you the best of health always.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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