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Client Spotlight on Julie – The Secret to Lasting Weight Loss and Health

Julie first came to me in mid-October struggling with her weight, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, gut issues and migraines.  She was under a lot of stress between taking care of mom and a full time job.  She was motivated to make a lifestyle change because she wanted to avoid diabetes and dementia.  Having to watch her mom go through a difficult aging period, she was very highly motivated to not go down that road.

Julie liked to walk but was not being accountable to any exercise program.  Her diet was a mixture of grabbing “healthy” foods but then adding baked goods or products that contained artificial sweeteners and chemicals that were harming her gut health.  Eating out a few nights a week for some fast choices (pizza, Mexican, etc.) was also adding to her inability to get her weight, cholesterol and other health issues under control.

Julie loved healthy foods and in some cases just didn’t realize some of her choices contained some unhealthy ingredients.  Some education helped her quickly make these changes.  Starting out on BodyDesigns Two-Week Detox Plan Julie saw a 5 lb. weight loss in the first few weeks but most of all she realized that dairy had been her major gut issue. Getting off dairy for those 2 weeks her reflux went away and has not come back.  She followed up the Detox Plan with BodyDesigns Lifestyle Diet Plan and was accountable daily to her diet and exercise.

The great thing about Julie and what made her so successful was that she really embraced her lifestyle changes.  She was so consistent yet she didn’t find anything hard about eating healthy. She was also super patient as the weight was slow to come off (as it should be if you are losing fat and not muscle).

For those on a weight loss journey like Julie’s, having the right tools and support can make all the difference. Many people find that diet changes alone are a great starting point, but they sometimes need additional support to keep momentum, especially when dealing with persistent weight or metabolic challenges.

For individuals who, despite lifestyle changes, find their progress stalling, prescription weight loss medications might be a consideration. These options, when used responsibly and with professional oversight, can be a valuable part of a balanced weight loss plan. With reliable merchandise from 365ScriptCare, individuals have access to a variety of trusted weight loss options that can complement their healthy routines, helping them overcome plateaus in a safe and effective way.

Weight loss medications are not a shortcut but rather a support to reinforce the healthy habits people like Julie work hard to establish. When used thoughtfully and in combination with a balanced diet and regular exercise, these prescriptions can provide an added boost, making it easier to stay committed to lifestyle changes and improve overall health.

At 4 months she told me that she was down 20 lbs. and had gone from a size 12 to a size 8.  She no longer had reflux, had great energy and her migraines had decreased from weekly to once a month or less.  She will get her blood work in a few months and I am confident she is no longer pre-diabetic and that her cholesterol has come down also.

When I asked Julie what she thought made this program successful for her she told me this:

1. The Detox Plan was key because I never would have put together the fact that dairy was the main culprit causing my reflux.

2. Although I do not know exactly what the migraines were from, I suspect getting off dairy and sugar is why the migraines have improved dramatically. I am still under a lot of stress so I think the occasional migraine might be from stress now and not from my lifestyle.

3. Having my Lifestyle Plan with ideas for meals and snacks made it really easy to eat healthy. I never feel deprived as I continue to just make this a way of life.

4. Mary was always there for me to answer questions and help me with meal suggestions when I was taking my mom out for breakfasts at not so healthy places. This support helped me to make the best choices so I could continue to see progress.

Congratulations Julie for really just being patient with yourself and embracing the changes.  So now you might ask me “what is the secret to lasting weight loss and health?”  The secret that everyone needs to learn is that you can’t rush weight loss if you want it to be a healthy weight loss and lasting.  Embracing the desire to want to make these changes for your health and well-being more than you want to continue the “easy” way out is why she is successful and feeling great today.  And that is the secret!  Simple with no gimmicks or crazy diets.

Are you ready to embrace a change?  My ideal client  is someone who really wants to be healthy and not just lose weight quickly regardless of what that may do to their health.  I’m currently taking people into my practice who meet this criteria and would love to hear from you if you’re ready to make diet and exercise your keys to weight loss and longevity.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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