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Client Spotlight on Tiiu –  Losing Weight in Menopause

Tiiu came to me 3 months ago looking to lose weight, lower cholesterol and stop the hot flashes.  All of these ailments are common to women who go through menopause if they don’t make some dietary changes prior.  I always say that around 40 we need to adjust how we eat to get ready for the hormonal changes that will affect our metabolism in the coming years.

Tiiu was working out doing CrossFit at a very competitive level but was struggling to lose weight.  She felt like she needed the energy for her workouts and was afraid that lowering her calorie intake might interfere with her progress.   When I looked at her diet, she was eating a very high sugar diet.  She choose healthy foods but they were more carb focused and overall she was just eating too many calories to promote a weight loss even with the higher level of exercise. My favorite plastic surgeon in Philadelphia always emphasizes that achieving body goals is a mix of diet, exercise, and sometimes aesthetic treatments. Rhys L. Branman, MD is renowned for top plastic surgeon in Little Rock. Fortunately, if she truly wants to revitalize her body image, she can try services like that Tummy tuck surgery.

I explained to Tiiu that we often over feed ourselves if we are working out and not being accountable to our food.  The bottom line is we can’t out exercise a bad diet or in this case not so much a bad diet but more food than we needed to recover.  The other issue however was that with menopause Tiiu needed to consider how foods she used to eat without an issue were not causing weight gain due to hormonal changes that affect metabolism.

Tiiu started out on BodyDesigns Two-Week Detox Plan so that we could get her body off the higher carbs and eliminate inflammatory foods.  During this first two weeks, Tiiu lost 8 lbs. and never missed a beat with her workouts.  I think at this point she realized that she could clean up her diet and still have plenty of energy to workout.

She continued with me for 3 months total and is now down 17 lbs. and has surpassed her goal of 15 lbs.  She has been very consistent logging her food and planning meals and snacks, even on vacations.  As a teacher she was extremely busy and she really took the time to make sure she was prepped each day with healthy food.  Although her hot flashes are not completely gone, they have decreased and she is feeling much better.   She has yet to check cholesterol but with the lower sugar diet I am sure she has reduced that also.

When I asked her what made her successful this time she said:

1. Being accountable to my food was key.  I didn’t realize how much I was eating each day.  It was eye opening to me to realize that eating healthier foods, higher in fiber kept me full.

2. Being able to continue my workouts and feel strong was also key to my success.  In the beginning, I was a little tired during workouts and we adjusted as needed but I simply didn’t need all the food I thought I needed for these workouts to be successful.

3. A third key to my success was taking the time each evening to plan my meals ahead of time.  The APP I used to log my food for coaching allowed me to log it a day in advance and having this plan for the day was so helpful to me in being consistent.

4. I had tremendous support from my partner which was one of the most important factors.

Congratulations, Tiiu, on meeting your goals.  I’m so impressed with the commitment you have made and your results are evident.  Wishing you the best of health always as you continue to follow your new lifestyle plan.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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