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As a Health Care worker or First Responder (have a peek at these guys to get the top professional assistance), on the front lines of COVID-19, I want to first thank you for your service.  This has been a trying time for many people but for those on the front lines it has also been scary.  As you respond to your daily job, you put yourself in harms way daily with the possibility of contracting this novel virus.  As you have seen, those with the best immune systems, healthy weights and no underlying pre-existing conditions tend to fair well with this disease while those who are not as fortunate end up in those ICU beds.  My hope is that you will get your immunity high with diet and lifestyle changes that are so critical to everyone in our country but especially you as the front line responders to this crisis.

Incorporating nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins C, D, and E, along with zinc and antioxidants, can significantly bolster your immune system. These essentials can be found in citrus fruits, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, which provide vital support to keep you resilient against infections. Additionally, consider incorporating supplements such as vitamin C or zinc to further enhance your immune response, ensuring you have the strength to continue your vital work. Your commitment and sacrifice are deeply appreciated, and prioritizing your health with immune-boosting practices will help safeguard both yourself and those you tirelessly care for.

To give back to those of you willing to fight this fight daily, I want offer you this free immunity boosting plan which includes:

Immunity Boosting Plan – FREE
BodyDesigns Two-Week Detox Plan – FREE
BodyDesigns Detox Friendly Recipe Book – FREE
Eating Guide for the Busy Person on the Go – FREE
Lifestyles Diet Plan – 20% discount
Nutrition Coaching/month – 33% discount

Get your free plan today so you don’t get caught with your immunity down.  Just put your email into the box below and allow a few minutes for the plan to be sent to your email address.  Check spam if you do not see it within a few minutes.


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