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Client Spotlight on Emily – Reversing Insulin Resistance

Emily came to me at the very end of May highly frustrated with her inability to lose weight.  Her doctor had told her had  high A1C) and with a history of gestational diabetes it made perfect sense that she was struggling with insulin resistance. At 55, menopause had set in and Emily found herself 20 lbs. heavier than her ideal weight and unable to fit into her very expensive Drysuit.  She was caring for her mother who had lost her independence due to chronic illness that was due to poor lifestyle.  Emily was really ready to take control of her health so that she could live a long and healthy life herself and be around to enjoy her family as well as continue to work as a scuba instructor.  It is worth noting that Emily did not think it was possible for her to lose weight during menopause.  She had tried on her own with no success and came to this appointment at her doctor’s insistence.

Emily had a fairly active job where she was often lifting or swimming, on her feet and getting a good 8000-10000 steps per day.  We set a goal to make sure she got 10000 steps every day, hit the weights twice a week and add a short HIIT session or dance twice a week.

Her meals tended to be lighter for breakfast and lunch with a long break before coming home starving and eating a larger meal in the evening.  I explained to Emily that with insulin resistance, we are more sensitive to insulin in the morning so we definitely want to front load the calories, especially any carbohydrates, earlier in the day which was the opposite of her habits.  In addition. She was eating out at least three times a week with much higher calorie foods at dinner.  After dinner she would sometimes grab a snack as late as 9:00.  She had a combination of really healthy meal choices due to a good knowledge base on what to eat but then going off course way too often to really see any movement in the weight.

Emily was a perfect candidate for my Two Week Detox Plan and she begin it with complete enthusiasm to really sticking to it and giving it a good try.  At the end of 2 weeks Emily had lost 6 lbs. and was feeling more confident that she could reach this goal.  She went on to follow her Lifestyle Diet Plan and was super consistent with logging food and accountability to daily activity.  Fast forward 2 months and Emily has met her goal.  She not only lost her weight but exceeded it by a pound and fits into her Drysuit (for diving) (phew!)  Emily started at 35.6% body fat with 20 lbs. to lose.  After 3 months, Emily lost 24 lbs. to surpass her initial goal and dropped 8% body fat to a healthy 27%.

When I asked Emily what she thought were the reasons that made her so successful this time she told me:

1. First, I was motivated by my medical labs and being very uncomfortable at a weight that was higher than any I had ever been in my entire life. I’m glad my doctor suggested I see Mary.
2. I was successful because I was educated and supported by Mary’s professional knowledge to help me meet my goals.

Emily has clearly reversed her insulin resistance and is now sitting at her pre-menopausal weight and feels great.  She can assume that the lifestyle changes have made her metabolically healthy so she can avoid long term health issues and enjoy her life for many years to come.  And icing on the cake, she can fit into her Drysuit!  Congratulations Emily for really taking the time and effort to make food your medicine and correct fix your metabolism for not just weight lost but for health and longevity.

Client Spotlight on Emily - Reversing Insulin Resistance

Emily in her very expensive Drysuit feeling happy

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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