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Balanced Oatmeal – quick breakfast with balanced macros

Breakfast for most people needs to be quick and easy but if you also are watching your macros and trying to eat clean you want to make sure you get a balance of low glycemic carbohydrate, protein and healthy fat.  By balancing out your macros in this way, you avoid huge blood sugar spikes which in turns helps you control your hunger.

Oatmeal can be a healthy choice if you know what to add to make it balanced.  Oatmeal by itself gives us carbohydrates (sugar) and some fiber but it is what we add to it that will make or break it as a good balanced breakfast.   Whether weight loss is your goal or you just want a meal that will stick with you until lunch, you are definitely going to want to add some protein and healthy fat to your bowl.  Like all our meals and snacks, if we don’t balance out our macronutrients to help control our blood sugar, we can find ourselves constantly hungry which results in overeating and subsequent weight gain.

Oatmeal is also something you can make in advance and you can add the protein and healthy fat at the time you eat it.  Making a big batch for the week makes it even quicker and we have less excuses for skipping breakfast.  Try using steel cut oats and making them in your slow cooker or even an overnight oats recipe where you let them sit in some unsweetened almond or coconut milk over night so you can just grab them in the morning.  Avoid processed, quick instant oats as these don’t retain the fiber and will raise blood sugar levels too high.

What makes this breakfast high protein and balanced is the addition of a protein powder and some nuts to the oatmeal after it is cooked.  Many people take their oatmeal and top it with fruit (more sugar) and sugar or honey (more sugar).  That leaves us with a breakfast that will raise glucose levels too high and be followed by a big crash and hunger.  Instead we add the protein and healthy fat to balance out the macronutrients in the meal which in turn balances out our blood sugar.

For those of you that travel for work, bringing a baggie with the protein powder and nuts makes it simple to just add it to a bowl of plain oatmeal which is readily available at any hotel.

Balanced Oatmeal

1/2 cup cooked steel cut oatmeal (which is 1/4 cup raw)
1/2 scoop (2 T) vegan protein powder (I like SunWarrior Raw Blend)
2 T slivered almonds (or switch it out for your favorite nuts)
stevia and cinnamon optional

1. Prepare oatmeal in advance or if you are traveling order plain oatmeal in a restaurant.
2. Add 1/2 scoop of vegan protein powder to warm oatmeal and mix well. Use a little unsweetened almond or coconut milk to help it blend if necessary.
3. Add slivered almonds or nuts of choice.
4. Sweeten with stevia and cinnamon for a delicious morning meal.

Serving Size: 1

Calories: 298 (using 1/2 scoop protein)
Fat: 11 g
Carbs: 34 g
Fiber: 12 g
Protein: 29 g

This is a great way to start your day and also makes a great pre or post workout meal.  The balance of the macronutrients will keep you on track for your clean eating plan by not spiking too much insulin and keeping you satiated for hours.  If your calorie needs are higher you can add a full scoop or protein and more nuts but keep the oatmeal portion the same.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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