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It’s hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. Last year at this time I was setting some goals for 2012 and like all of you I was highly motivated to start the year off right. Looking back today at my goals I can proudly say that I accomplished them all and feel pretty good about how the year turned out.

What are you saying as you look back on your goals from last year? Did you meet your health and fitness goals? If not, what went wrong to send you astray?

Since my main focus for my business is to help people transform their lives for optimal health and wellness, every year I have goals for my business. Last year my main business goal was to work on recipe development for my book. I was busy all year developing recipes that were clean, easy and tasty. If you got a chance to attend my “What’s Cooking?” presentation this past month then you were able to sample some of the results of my trials.

This coming year my focus will be on getting people back to eating real foods. Hippocrates said it perfectly when he said,

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food”.

How many people wake up each morning and truly feel great? Do you think your bodies were designed to be sluggish, exhausted or even uncomfortable from symptoms such as rashes, asthma, headaches, chronic pain, etc.? Is it possible to picture yourself waking up refreshed, feeling energetic and free from symptoms most people live with daily? What about cancer? Do you believe you can prevent or reverse cancer? What if I told you that what you put into and on your body is directly related to how you feel and your overall state of health?

We now know that to lose weight, avoid or eliminate disease states such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, etc, that we need to get away from eating processed foods that fill our bodies with chemicals, foreign substances and useless calories and instead eat our fill of real foods. Our real foods should be a combination of organic, non-GMO vegetables, lean, organic, hormone free poultry and meat, healthy fats that have not been modified, small amounts of lower glycemic whole fruits, and small portions of unprocessed grains preferably wheat free and gluten free.

I realize that for many of you this is a huge change but if you want to lose weight and obtain optimal wellness now is the time to change your thinking about food. Food is not just about the immediate gratification of taste but rather how it nourishes and heals your body. If you can grasp this concept and change your thinking you can change your life. Who doesn’t want to wake up feeling healthy and energized? Why do we continue to walk around lethargic, tired, with aches and pains and symptoms of disease when we could live and be full of life and energy?

Why is it that when it comes to our health we lack the discipline to take it seriously? I believe the answer to this question lies in the very foundation of our flawed medical system. Doctors have forgotten why they went into medicine to begin with and have become wrapped up in the belief that symptoms can be treated with a drug. People have bought into this belief system that they can abuse their bodies, putting their health last and that it can all be fixed with a drug. We continue self destructive behaviors with this false sense of security that medicines can fix diseases or conditions that arise from our negligence. But the truth is that a drug can help mask the symptoms but it can’t cure the underlying problem causing the symptoms. Its a cover up and you will pay the price with endless side effects and a cascading array of other problems arising as a result. The bottom line is basically feeling lousy most of the time.

So the first step in changing your lifestyle this year will be to believe and acknowledge that food is directly related to all lifestyle diseases from hypertension and diabetes to cancer and depression. Once we understand this connection then making the changes becomes one of desire – a desire to be well and not sick! A desire to live life to its fullest!

If you can grasp the reality that food is thy medicine then you are ready to take on 2013 with a renewed attitude towards food and a willingness to make a commitment to your health and future.

I challenge you this year to set your standards high when setting goals for your health and wellness. Remember that “you are what you eat” and if you want to be healthy and live a full life you need to be eating whole, real foods and ridding your body of the toxic waste found in processed foods.

As always, I am grateful for all my clients that have placed their faith in me to help them lose weight and obtain wellness. My prayer as we enter this new year is that God will guide me as to how to better motivate and educate my clients so that they can live life to its fullest, being free of disease and full of vitality.

God bless you and your families with good health in 2013!

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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