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Super Fit at 50 – Learn This Couples Secret to Success

How would you like to be in the best shape of your life at 50 years old?  Or how about being in the best shape of your life at any age?  If you think it’s not possible, then it’s time to change the way you think.  The key is knowing the secret to success.

My husband and wife clients, Rob and Casey, both turn 50 this year and both attest to never having been in better physical shape in their lives.  They have both generally been healthy and in shape but nothing compared to their current “best ever” fitness levels.

So, what is their secret?  How does a couple as busy as Rob and Casey make time to be this fit and lean?  From here, you can find out now the secret of how they balance their work-life and fitness without problems. First, let me tell you that both of these people are as busy if not busier then you!

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Rob and Casey have trained with me for almost four years and in the beginning they both followed my diet plan, logging their food and lost weight.  After they met their initial goals, Casey had dropped about 30 lbs and Rob lost 20 lbs, complacency set in and they both stopped logging their food.  Casey continued to exercise regularly and maintained her weight loss but never lost her last 10 lbs and Rob slowly lost motivation and regained his weight over the next few years.

As they got older, both Rob and Casey started noticing changes beyond just their weight. Casey felt like her energy levels weren’t what they used to be, and Rob struggled even more with motivation, often feeling sluggish throughout the day. They both realized that maintaining a healthy lifestyle wasn’t just about diet and exercise—it was also about supporting their bodies with the right nutrients. That’s when they started looking into ways to optimize their overall well-being, beyond just the basics.

After doing some research, they came across the MASI supplement, which was designed to support energy levels, muscle recovery, and overall vitality. Casey was especially interested in its potential to help her push past her plateau, while Rob saw it as a way to regain some of the drive he had lost. Within a few weeks of adding it to their routine, Casey noticed she felt more refreshed after workouts, and Rob found it easier to stay consistent with his training. It wasn’t a magic fix, but it gave them both the extra support they needed to stay on track as they worked toward their long-term health goals.

This January, everything changed for Rob and Casey as they recommitted to taking their health, fitness and nutrition seriously, motivated in part by the fact that they both would turn 50 in 2012.  Something about a big birthday or a special event tends to motivate people to make important changes.  The single biggest driver of change for Rob and Casey was that they began to meticulously evaluate, measure and log their food intake and calories burned.  That’s right!  The secret to Rob and Casey’s incredible success was understanding what Rob came to realize: “Health is simple math.”  Rob recently blogged about his success and I quote him directly:

“I began to meticulously track my daily caloric intake using My Fitness Pal.  This one simple, single decision has started me down a path of total enlightenment and curiosity that, prayerfully, I will never abandon.”

Rob and Casey tell me the biggest difference between what they were doing previously versus their current transformation into incredible fitness and health has been their personal discipline of closely examining exactly what goes into their bodies.  They have not only counted calories but read labels and taken the time to eliminate GMO’s, foods with Nutrasweet, Splenda, Acesulfame Potassium, high fructose corn syrup and processed foods in general.  Rob says,:

“We truly “are what we eat.”  Learning, reading and transforming my daily diet, fitness and sleep disciplines has literally transformed my life.  Avoiding sugar, fructose, trans fats, fried foods, “empty” calories and genetically modified foods has yielded amazing results over the past 95 short days.  I’ve returned to a weight I previously carried as a high school senior, approaching 10% body fat and the muscle strength I last enjoyed as a college athlete.”

WOW!  Incredible!  If this story doesn’t motivate you to start to be accountable to the power of nutrition in your life then I’m not sure what will get your attention short of a heart attack or illness.

I recommend to all my clients to log their food and be accountable daily.  I personally use Lose It but My Fitness Pal is another good option.  My clients can even set up automatic delivery to my inbox where I monitor their progress and help them make healthy changes to their diet daily.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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