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Client Spotlight on Debbi – Combining GLP-1 Meds with Lifestyle for the Win

Debbie came to me in mid-April with a goal to lose 40 lbs.  At 62, she found herself with insulin resistance and slightly elevated blood pressure.  She had struggled with her weight since childhood and had decided it was time to get some help.  With the new GLP-1 medications to assist, she took a journey to really make changes that would last a lifetime and help her finally lose weight.

When Debbie came to me she had already lost 11 lbs. using the GLP-1 meds however her doctor who was following her body fat percentage did a scan and found she was losing more muscle than fat and she wanted to turn this around to be mostly fat loss.

Prior to starting on the medication, she was not really watching what she ate on a regular basis.  She had some major lifestyle changes in the past 2 years and really let the diet and exercise slip to the wayside.  Once she started the injections, she switched her diet to be mostly protein and vegetables which was a great start.  She was not eating enough protein however to maintain her muscle with the lower calories and some of her sources were not the best quality.  Her diet was also low in fiber and healthy fats.  With her very busy travel schedule, she would need lots of ideas on what foods to bring with her and how to order while eating on the road.

I had her begin to log her food in and App called Cronometer where I could see her nutrient intake each day and help her during difficult traveling days.  We set goals for protein, fiber and healthy fats.  We also had a calorie goal to make sure she was eating enough food to maintain muscle and just loss fat.

In addition, I told Debbie that it was essential that she begin to lift weights.  Weight training is crucial to making sure she maintained muscle and lost mostly fat on this program.  I posted a month of sample workouts for her to help her learn how to maneuver around the gym.

Client Spotlight on Debbi - Combining GLP-1 Medications with Lifestyle for the Win

Debbie Before Losing 35 lbs.

Debbie worked with me for 2 months and was consistently doing scans at her doctor’s office to look at body fat loss verses muscle loss. Once she began to be accountable to protein and calories as well as weight training, she began to lose mostly fat.  She started at 39.5% body fat and 203 lbs. and is now 165, with just 15 lbs. to her goal weight.  Of the 38 lbs.she lost, 35 lbs. was body fat which is simply amazing for someone on these medications.  It shows that you can use these meds in combination with the right diet and weight training for success.

When I asked Debbi to tell me what she thinks helped her to be so successful with her weight loss she told me this:

1. Of course the medications really helped me lower my appetite and make it possible for me to eat less without cravings, however my doctor kept me at a low dose so that I would just lose slowly and not have dangerous side effects.

2. Having Mary’s help with diet, I was able to really focus on protein and eating nutritious foods to meet all my nutrient goals whereas before I was just looking at calories and missing essential nutrition.  Mary has high standards for food quality, and while I couldn’t always reach those standards, her guidance gave me an invaluable education, so the better I get, the better I continue to do because I’m ‘inspired by continual changes.

3. Daily logging and accountability to Mary gave me someone to help me adjust if necessary and stay on top of my food with my very busy travel schedule.

4. Having a supportive family really helped since I had to make sure they were fed too!

Congratulations Debbie on this amazing journey.  Many people are doing these medications and not changing habits.  Unfortunately for them, they will lose more muscle and most likely end up gaining the weight back when they go off the meds.  I love that your doctor did this the right way with you and that you embraced lifestyle changes rather than a quick fix.  I wish you the best of health always as you continue to your final goal and ultimate goal to keep the weight off.

Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!                                                                                                                                

Visit BodyDesigns Two Week Detox Plan or BodyDesignsbyMary for more information.

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