6 Reasons Your Dairy Should Always Be Organic and Ideally 100% Grass-Fed
I feel strongly about certain foods always being organic and dairy is one of them. My clients will send me labels of non-organic products claiming to not contain a hormone, hoping it will be an acceptable product, only to hear me say “please stick with organic”.
Non-organic dairy products are produced with synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, hormones and genetically modified organisms (GMO’s). I always tell my clients that we are what our meat eats and the same is true for dairy. If the cow consumes it then we consume it and it has to be processed in our liver which can risk our health in many ways. In addition, it is best to choose dairy that is not just organic, but 100% grass-fed. Here are 6 important reasons to always choose organic dairy and ideally, 100% grass-fed.
1. Non- Organic Dairy Contains Growth Hormones
There are many reasons to choose organic dairy but the most well-known reason are the growth hormones recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) and recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). Both of these hormones are fed to the cattle to increase milk production and they remain in the milk. When we consume these hormones they disrupt the balance of our own hormones leading to infertility, early puberty and health issues. Cows raised in an organic environment are not exposed to hormones and allowed to produce milk by eating a natural diet.
2. Non-Organic Dairy Contains Antibiotics
Antibiotics are used in non-organic farming practices to reduce risk of infection and disease. The problem again is that what the animal consumes comes out in their milk and when we ingest it we are ingesting antibiotics which can be harmful to our health. This overuse of antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance in humans and disrupt the normal gut bacteria of not just humans but of the cows. Healthy gut bacteria is critical for immunity, proper nutrient absorption, brain health and so much more.
3. Pesticides Are Found in Non-Organic Dairy Sources
The use of pesticides on the food the cows eat can be found in their milk. Like the use of GMO foods, the byproducts of these can cause harm to the gut microbiome as well as disrupt reproduction, the endocrine system and cause neurological problems.
4. Ideally Dairy Products Should be 100% Grass-Fed
A cow that grazes in the pastures, as cows are supposed to do, will eat a nutritious diet that produces high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that grass-fed cows have higher levels of omega-3 and lower levels of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids which means these get passed on to you when you eat or drink their products. Omega-3 fatty acids, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and are linked to reduced risk of heart disease, improved brain function, and better mental health. Conversely, excessive intake of omega-6 fatty acids, can promote inflammation and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. For those exploring alternative treatments for mental health, Avesta Ketamine Wellness offers an innovative approach to treating conditions like depression and PTSD, complementing the positive effects of a healthy diet. Prioritizing clean, nutrient-rich dairy can help optimize both brain function and overall well-being.
5. Organic Dairy Products are Better for the Environment
Organic dairy products are much better for the environment since they are produced without the use of synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics or other artificial inputs. Organic dairy farms also use more sustainable farming practices that will promote healthy soil and reduce pollution and soil erosion. Organic farms are more often smaller than conventional farms and will require fewer resources to produce the same amount of milk.
6. Organic and Grass-Fed Dairy Tastes Better
Organic and grass-fed dairy products taste better and I can attest to that personally. They taste better because the cows are eating a natural diet. Through the use of natural ingredients, organic dairy is able to maintain its natural flavors. Additionally, organic dairy is free from artificial additives, preservatives and hormones all which will lead to a far superior taste.
Are you looking to transform your health? Mary works with clients all over the country developing personalized nutrition and exercise plans for weight loss and health. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to health and wellness contact her today!
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